OCTOBER 16, 2023
Welcome and Call to Order – 6pm
Board members present: Gretchen Last, Brett Bolman, Jessica Johnson, Sue Piper, Diane Ronge, Charlene Lober, Jen Porter.
Other members present: Jen Porter, Cathy Firari, Janet Ludeman, Dan Wegener.
Pledge of Allegiance was said.
Introduction of new members or visitors: There were no new members or visitors in attendance.
Approval of Agenda: Diane made a motion to approve, Jessica second motion. Motion approved.
Secretary’s report: Gretchen made a motion to approve, Diane second motion. Motion approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Gretchen reported that MSA was paid in October. Brett will be taking the report to the next City meeting with officials.
Committee Reports:
Website – Brett is waiting on a report from Lauren on what she is working
Facebook – Cristina was not present to update.
Welcoming – Nothing current to report.
Membership update- Invoices to go out to the membership before the
Upcoming Annual Meeting.
Fundraising/events: No current update on the Softball fundraiser. It was suggested to have a Breakfast fundraiser at the Community Center inJanuary or February. The committee needs to have a good schedule of Events to get it published so we would have a good attendance and no conflicts with other events in the area.
Softball update – Cristina was not present at the meeting. We are waiting
For a list of expenses for this event.
Business Networking – Lauren was not present at the meeting. Last one
Was at Shane Acres.
Parade of Trees – Cathy reported they need to check on the trees available.
FFA was contacted to help with the set-up of the trees. December 3rd will
Be the Open House at the Library. They raised the amount for the sponsors
From $15.00 to $20.00. Invitations are being mailed and posters are
Available for display.
New Business:
We are in need of a process to properly account for the items used for
All the fundraisers that we have. This will help in future fundraisers.
Brett reported that Lauren will be sending a proposal of what she would
Need to work on the website. This will come before the Board at a future
Meeting for approval.
Annual meeting – It will be held January 15, 2024. Cocktails at 5:30 and
Dinner at 6 pm. Meeting location to be determined.
Nominations – We will need two Replacement Board members and election
Of officers, President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Contact
Brett with any nominations
Dan Wegener would like the Chamber to send a letter to the City Finance
Committee to advise them of our plans to improve Juneau. Brett will make
Sure that it is taken care of.
NOVEMBER 20, 2023 - 6PM
Motion was made by Jen to adjourn the meeting. Gretchen second. Motion
Minutes submitted by
Sue Piper